divendres, 24 de febrer del 2023

What are the steps of making pancakes?

What are the steps of making pancakes? Basic Pancake Batter Combine the dry ingredients together in a large bowl. Slowly pour in the milk and mix well. Add the eggs, vanilla, and vegetable oil. ... Heat a frying pan over medium-high heat. ... Spoon the batter onto the pan and cook each side until it is golden brown. ... Serve immediately.

dimecres, 1 de juny del 2022

Auxiliar de conversa.

Avui ha estat el darrer dia de la nostra auxiliar de conversa. Vinguda del sud dels Estats Units, concretament de Louisiana, ens ha acompanyat des del desembre i ens ha ajudat a familiaritzar-mos un poc més amb la llengua anglesa. Moltes gràcies per aquests mesos i molta sort Dominique!!

dilluns, 14 de juny del 2021

dimecres, 19 de maig del 2021

Unit 6.-Unit 6. An amazing life. Comprehension questions.

 Hellen Keller story

Watch this video and answer the following questions:

1.-How is Helen Keller different after her illness?

2.-Who helps Helen?

3.-How does she talk to Helen at first?

4.-What is the first word Helen understands?

5.-What job does Helen do?

6.-What is the name of Helen’s first book?

7.-Why is Helen an important person?

dilluns, 3 de maig del 2021

Reading comprehension activities: Family breakfast


use your computer to do this online activity. When you finish, send me your results with Classroom. 

Here you have the link to do the activities: Family breakfast.